Excerpt from an interview with Nikita Izmailov: about the work of the N1 Foundation, other issues re

When it was 2019, the first investment fund appeared in Ukraine. It became a platform where fintech startups began to be created. The creator of the platform was Nikita Izmailov. He graduated from the Faculty of Finance. He has already managed to show his abilities in several large financial companies. For example, such as KMPG and Parimatch.

He gave preference to products which have an optimal match with clients' needs.

Now the number one company has different projects. For example, specialists who have created payment systems Asquad and others have found a roof here. There are also two Ukrainian systems, which are suitable for the Ukrainian market. There is also a place for an advertising agency and a project that produces organic snacks and drinks Eat Easy.

Nikita Izmailov investor sportbank talked about the startup bubble. He talked about what kind of products are needed for the market. Specific prerequisites are needed for a particular idea to work. It is not always possible for developments in Ukraine to take off abroad. He told what you need to know for an idea to work.

How do you prioritize your efforts while working on each project at the foundation?

You can imagine for a moment that the father of a family has to raise ten children. Adult children, of course, don't need to be raised. It is clear that more effort has to be given to projects that cannot yet pay for themselves. Projects that simply need development in the first phase need help.

If a product manages to reach the MVP level, it is destined to hit the market soon. Then its sales will pass without a loss. It is necessary for the investment payback to take place. During this stage you often have to make a lot of mistakes. It is often the case that a started project is closed. It is not clear why this type of programs is not included in the B2B2B market.

How much time does it take to support a project?

It all depends on what kind of case there is. For example, a sports bank managed to appear on the market during 2019. They started actively distributing cards. However, the creators of the project are still paying attention to it. The project turned out to be quite voluminous and capital-intensive.

What amount of capital is implied here?

The investors for this case had to spend more than a million and a half dollars.

At what point is it expected to be in the black? How much financial perspective is there?

Exit to profit is expected during this year, when December arrives. When it's mid-2023, full investment payback is expected.

How many other projects have come close to payback within the portfolio?

The sports bank turned out to be a pretty long-running project that couldn't get to break even.

It's worth a disclaimer. When software vendors who develop methods for payment systems are implied, they have an easy upside. They have a pretty clear essence of the strategy. They are part of an ecological system. They will bring in revenue. However, substantial money is not to be hoped for.

When a business has a mission to accompany other projects with its technological solutions, then that is not the profile it needs to develop. One wants to have a solid income from what managed to get interaction with end users. More preference is given to projects that are engaged in the creation of mass marketing products.





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